About Us
Faith Academy is an answer to prayer. It grew out of the ministry of Faith Bible Presbyterian Church. In 1962, Persis Massey, an enthusiastic teacher who was young and vibrant in the Lord, asked Mr. John L. Dorsey, “Why don’t we start a Christian School in East Patel Nagar?”
To begin a Christian School in East Patel Nagar became a vital matter of prayer from that day. The prayer like a rose bud has blossomed through the years and by the grace of God, continues to bloom for His glory. Faith Academy is a recognized, unaided, co-educational, Christian, minority school. It operates under the direction of the Christian Educational Society through the Managing Committee of Faith Academy. Being a Christian school, it seeks to encourage godliness, good character and responsible citizenship in every student. English is the medium of instruction.
The Christian Educational Society opened the doors of Faith Academy on January 8, 1964 as a primary school. From a small beginning of 15 students and 5 teachers the school has blossomed to a Senior Secondary School with more than 2,500 students. Mrs. Mary P. Dorsey was the first Principal and Mr. John L. Dorsey was the Manager of Faith Academy. The students are trained in the Word of God (Bible), and in linguistic, social and scientific disciplines, to be godly and responsible citizens of our great country India.