Faith Academy

CBSE Exam 2024: Top 9 Strategies for Writing Excellent Answers on Class 10 and 12 Board Exams

16 Feb 2024

Like Reads: 48 Exam for the CBSE Board in 2024: All of your hard work will be in vain if you are unable to accurately represent your information on the examination sheet, regardless of how well you study for the test. It is a well-known fact that students frequently experience anxiety and nervousness when seated in the test room. They frequently forget the material they studied for the exam because of the intense pressure. Even if it is common for everyone, you can ease the situation by composing your answers while seated in the test room and paying attention to a few helpful pointers. The following pointers and techniques can help you do your best on the test: 1.Make wise use of the extra fifteen minutes In the board exams, CBSE gives its pupils an extra fifteen minutes. Students are given this extra time so they may carefully read the questions before beginning to write their responses. Without being anxious, students can mentally create a strategy for how they will correctly complete the work. Students must therefore carefully consider how to use these fifteen minutes to develop a plan efficiently and accurately for writing their exams. 2. Decide what matters most. Make a list of the questions you feel most comfortable answering. It’s not necessary to write the responses in the same sequence as it appears on the question paper. First, jot down the answers you know are accurate. This will give you more self-assurance and allow you to free up enough time to consider the solutions to other concerns that are still a little unclear in your thoughts. 3. Write a concise, direct response. Examine a question attentively and make sure you comprehend its meaning. Try to keep your response to the question’s requirements as brief as possible, and refrain from writing lengthy paragraphs that provide pointless details. Make sure your responses are well-founded. For instance, if the question is, “Define soil erosion,” you are expected to describe the definition rather than its causes or effects, which is what most students write in order to lengthen their response. The majority of students actually believe the fallacy that their score increases with the length of their response. However, this is ludicrous as the examiner ignores the stories and only considers plausible explanations. 4. Make intelligent question selections. Typically, the paper has a few questions with internal choices. Any one of the options must be chosen by the learner. It’s up to you to decide which questions you want to try. Read each one carefully at least twice, and then visualize what you need to write in each situation. In this manner, you will be able to assess your level of understanding on the specific issue and get any uncertainties cleared up. 5. Try answering every question. Carefully read the questions. Go back and review the question. Make an effort to comprehend the question’s type and requirements. Write down the solution if you are aware of it. If not, using your judgment and make an educated approximation. Examiners are always searching for technical jargon or relevant keywords that could be used to award you points. 6. Don’t clutter the response sheet. Just two pens should be used: one for headings and one for writing the text in blue. Whenever you make a diagram, a pencil must be used. You would have more time to write and your answer sheet would remain straightforward. A neat presentation always helps you to score better. 7. Make sure to provide enough space between each word. Make sure the spacing between your words is appropriate. Your work should have a polished a neat appearance. Don’t group all of your sentences together. Every question should have at least two lines before and after it. You’ll benefit from doing this in the future if you feel the need to add something to your response. By doing this, you’ll avoid writing a disorganized response script. 8. Stay calm You could discover certain questions that are beyond your area of expertise. Do not panic or feel terrified during such moments. Be sensible, composed, and laser-focused. You will have more than enough time to consider and formulate responses to every query. You have to maintain your confidence and self-esteem. 9. Examine your answer sheet. Remember to check your answer sheet, at least twice, once you have finished the paper. Review your writing. Frequently, while tallying the answers, we find careless errors that would have remained unchanged if they hadn’t been verified. Verify that you haven’t overlooked any questions. Before giving the sheet to the examiner, double check that your roll number is written correctly and neatly. If you correctly frame your answers using these crucial strategies, you’ll be able to get the best possible scores on the CBSE Class 10 or Class 12 Term 2 Board Exam in 2022. These methods will also assist you in finishing your paper on schedule. Don’t worry about the outcome; just give it your all. All the very best!!